Benefits of Dry Brushing Your Skin | How to Dry Brush

In line with continuing our conversation on chemical free [healthy] personal care products, and as a precursor to tomorrow’s post, I wanted to touch on a subject still not well known in the mainstream of our society: Dry Brushing. I want to talk to you about What it is; Why do it [i.e. benefits to you] and How to do it. So, strap on your seat-belts and let’s go for a ride. Dry Brushing Benefits: Help Your Body Detox! What is Dry Brushing? Dry brushing is brushing your body with a brush made specifically for skin, while your body is dry, to get dead cells off your skin. Simple enough? I personally discovered Dry Brushing about two years ago and enjoyed it ever since. It helps my body wake up in the morning and gives me a kick start, especially if I did not have enough time to exercise to get my blood flowing. It really is like a mini-exercise! Now, let’s get to the details. Click here for rest of the...
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