Contact Info


Address: 5276 Hollister Ave #456
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

Hours: 10, 11:15, 2:45, 4 and 5:30 only.

Tuesday – Friday
Please indicate if morning, afternoon or 5:30 appt is desired.

to set your appointment.


$85 for 60 minutes (any service)
$130 for 90 minutes

Massage and NAET Housecalls

75 minute massage or NAET minimum ($110)
plus travel fee depending on area
$50 to San Ynez
$20 to Montecito, Goleta, Santa Barbara

Add ons

$50 ionic Detox Footbath

Discount packages available

$375 for 5 hour package
$700 for 10 hour package

New office directions

Hollister and Patterson

Take 101 North and exit Patterson.
Left over freeway overpass and 2 blocks to light at Hollister and Patterson. Hospital will be across from light. You can make a U Turn at light and enter the Hollister Professional Park at first Rt on Patterson

Or Turn left at Light onto Hollister and enter the Hollister Professional Park at the main entrance.

Park by directory sign and go up stairs to #456 facing the mountains.